There are many areas of Occupational Therapy. These can vary from a risk of falls to illness such as Parkinsons, M.E and Fibromyelgia. Our aim is to assist people who are having difficulties engaging in any activities of daily living so that you can live the way you want to. This varies from environmental assessments (e.g. difficulties getting in and out of bed), engaging in community groups, or looking at Cognitive rehabilitation, structure and routine. We cover all ages and all disabilities, looking at self care, productivity and leisure, and the interaction between the environment, the person and the task. We have a holistic view of each person identifying difficulties through assessment and providing a treatment plan that is tailor made to each individual. This ensures successful participation in purposeful activity to increase health and well being. Additionally treatment encompasses different learning styles and motivational techniques. We provide detailed assessments, reports and recommendations, when required. Brighton Occupational Therapy has excellent communication skills, with a client centred approach to assist with finding the right treatment for you.
Our areas of expertise are:
1. Neurological Rehabilitation
2. Environment and equipment
3. Fatigue management
4. Sleep hygiene and relaxation
5. Occupational Balance
6. Manual handling
7. Wheelchair Assesments
8. Emotional and stress related ill health
9. Behavioural difficulties
10. Work Rehabilitation as well as volunteer work